Solving a US$3.2 Trillion Problem:
Health Impact of
Not Taking Medicines Correctly
Health impact of not taking medicines properly results in great health & financial loss.
Market size for solution provider is US$3.6 billion
This is a high value opportunity!
Incidence of not taking medicine properly for cancer patients is 100%
(Bouwman et al,2017)

Extent & Impact of Not Taking Medicines Properly
1. The chance of not taking medication correctly is as common as 50% (on average) to 74% (for some diseases)
(Bouwman et al., 2017; Ganasegeran & Rashid, 2017).
2. For example in diabetes, it increases the risk of hospitalisation and deaths by 58% and 81% respectively (Ho et al, 2006).
3. Pharmaceutical companies may incur an annual loss of US$637 billion due to unfilled prescriptions (Winter, no date).
4. For patients, the annualised cost of not taking their medicines properly is US$949 to US$44,190, due to more medicines to treat declining health, hospitalisation, etc. (Cutler et al., 2018)

A Singapore study estimated S$663 worth of medicines per patient per year is thrown away (Neo, Today Newspaper, 19 Mar 2019)
Not taking medicines according to instruction is also an environmental issue.
Medicines not taken becomes expired and thrown away, becoming unnecessary consumption.
If we extrapolate the per patient wastage to just the annual polyclinic attendance, the annual wastage is as high as S$348 million.

Medication Adherence Market is projected to worth US$3.6 Billion in 2023
With increasing heart diseases, diabetes & other diseases, global ageing population, and demand for digital health, this market is growing 12.3% annually.

Demand for Digital Healthcare Solution is growing
1. The global elderly population (aged 60 years and above) is growing.
In 2030, it is as high as 1.4 billion.
Increase elderly population drives healthcare consumption and in turn demand of digital health.
2. In Asia Pacific, the annual growth of Mobile Medical App is estimated to be as high as 70.8%.
By 2040, if we don’t do something about Medication Non-adherence, US$3.2 Trillion* may be spend globally to solve its ill effects.
Help us to combat this issue together!
* Extrapolated from Estimated Healthcare Cost in 2040 (Global Burden of Disease Health Financing Collaborator Network, 2017) and (New England Healthcare Institute, 2009)
The solution that we bring
Ensure Safety & Adherence
Added Communication
Generate Insight
Give clinicians insight into the medication adherence rate and allow appropriate action(s) to be taken

Step 1 : Download App
Clinician will input instruction into the App

Step 2 : App Alert
App tells the patient what medicine(s) to take

Step 3 : App Verification
Check whether the Right Medication is presented and witness the medication consumption

Step 4 : Close the App
Info gets upload automatically, making it available to your clinician
No more fussing over complex treatment, let the App guide you on medication taking.

Peace of Mind
Knowing that you are taking the right medicine, in the right amount, at the right time.
Get Your Clinician Involved
You are no longer alone in your journey towards good health, let doctors/pharmacists/nurses help you.

No more fussing over complex treatment, let the App guide you on medication taking.
Peace of Mind
Knowing that you are taking the right medicine, in the right amount, at the right time.
Get Your Clinician Involved
You are no longer alone in your journey towards good health, let doctors/pharmacists/nurses help you.
Take part in something today
We’re here to achieve increase chance of taking medicine properly
to 90% in the markets we participate in.
If you’re investor who looks for a high potential project
while doing good for the world, we look forward to talk to you.